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The director of INFOCIP, Mr. Gerti Shella in the opening speech of the conference about Thematic deadline assess for administrative court, said that “deadlines are the means and the purpose of completing the basic features: quick trials and without delay”. He added that no administrative justice can be made out of effective deadlines. Given this premise, the Law 49/2012, stipulates that administrative receivership hearing should be closed no later than 30 days, and a decision should be submitted no later than 7 days (significant for the first two levels of the judgment). The figures speak for significant progress during 2015 in terms of delivery at time the decisions.

In courts of first instance, during 2015 about 85% of decisions were submitted within the legal deadline of 7 days. And according to the Appeals of the administrative court, indicators show that in 2015 increased by 12% compared to 2014. But, on the other hand, the evaluation concluded that administrative delays in the trial continued to remain a significant problem in 2015. The average duration of review on appeal resulted in 340 days, meanwhile in the nationwide the average of duration was 135 days.

According to Mr. Shella, at the same time the director of the working group that conducted this important thematic assessment, said that these data results respectively overcome a deadline of 30 days within which is expected to be considered a court case. In more simple words, to close an administrative review in both instances, the Albanians had to expect approximately 300 days in 2015, or about 8 and a half times more than the legally set deadline.

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