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xhezair-zaganjori-INFOCIP-g.-shella-gjykata-administrative-768x511In the conference organized by INFOCIP and OSFA, participated and honored with its participation the High-Court Chairman of RSH, simultaneously chairman of the administrative panel in this court, the president of the Judicial Conference and member of KLD, Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori. In the analysis that he made about the problems of delays, he singled out three basic reasons.
“Firstly, is the number of multiple cases that are produced by the state, mainly executive. Especially after the election, it produced an extraordinary workplace conflict. Other problems are issues of property but also taxes, customs. All require a speedy and operational trial in all instances. Unfortunately, such thing is not happening. Secondly, I think that the number of judges is not sufficient. The number of judges is in fact has been increased for the Administrative Court, but if we calculate the ratio in 2012 between civilians and administrative issues, this report will be respectively 60% to 40%. But the number of judges, until a short time ago was extraordinary disproportionate. Only 7 judges for administrative court, at a time where for the civil trial has about 10-times more judges. Thirdly, there is room for the implementation of alternative solutions (Alternative Dispute Resolution), if it is needed with arbitration solution, or with collaboration and cooperation. These practices are almost nonexistent in Albania. In these conditions, certainly the back lock has grown. They should take legal and organizational measures, and this requires reflection to deal with it. The problem must be taken seriously!

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The head of the Supreme Court, Xhezair Zaganjori expressed gratitude for the work done by INFOCIP, which has also brought in his first improvements in terms of delivery within decisions.

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