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National Conference on compliance with procedural deadlines in the administrative court system welcomed the USAID Director for Albania, Mr. Marcus Johnson. He was one of the special authorities that honored the event with their participation. He attributed the thematic evaluation conducted by INFOCIP as an important activity and very well positioned, even in the newly created contexts.


“We at USAID, as many of you know, we are working on a new program of the rule of law (Rule of Law Program) for the next 5 years. What we will do with this information that we receive today, so this assessment (the INFOCIP), is to see how we can use in order to make our program better, “said the director of USAID, Mr. Johnson. Furthermore, the director of USAID continued his speech and specifically stated that USAID works in the ensemble, of course, where possible, with EURALIUS, European partners, and also with the Ministry of Justice and the court system.”And in the context of judicial reform, the programs and evaluations as this one are very well positioned, to be implemented over what will come quickly out of the reform.He also emphasize that, what USAID is doing in the field of rule of law has elements and pieces that we will be undertaken regardless of others activities and legislations.


He concluded his speech by adding that “I want that each of us see and evaluate every information as the current one as an asset to improve what we are doing, and certainly consider even this assessment of INFOCIP as such”.

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