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Gender equality in representation is a key element and a prerequisite for advancing democracy in local government. In local level women representation is limited to 7 out of 384 heads of local government units and with only 12.4% among Local Councilors. These levels of representations do not give women a strong voice to express their needs and for their priorities to be effectively addressed.

Among other key factors such as legal framework and measures taken from the political parties, the public perception on women participation in politics and decision-making is a contributing factor to support the advancement of women and influence decision makers’ choices.

In the frame of its efforts to increase public participation in the decision making of the Municipal Council in Durres, CPII organized an open meeting with women to discuss and identify new efficient ways for a better involvement of women in the decision making process. The event was suggested initially by the chairman of the Durres Municipal Council, Indrit Hamiti, to be organized as one of CPII’s activities, in the frame of the cooperation with Durres local authorities. CPII accepted his proposal and, after fixing the agenda, the meeting was held in “Adriatic Hotel” on May 30th, 2013.

The event was attended by approximately 90 participants, mostly women. The discussions aimed at identifying new ways for a better gender representation in decision making of the city and even broader. The participants discussed vividly challenges faced by women in the area of political participation. This event brought together key stakeholders, civil society organizations, university, public institutions.

To see photos from the event, please click on:


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